Letter of complaint mobile phone

A model IELTS letter of complaint to downloa with a complete lesson explaining how to structure it and use the right vocabulary. You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase it has stopped working. You spoken to the company representative.

You have bought a mobile phone in a tax-free shop just a few days ago, and it doesn't work properly. Write a letter to the manager to complain . You have bought a mobile phone in a tax-fee shop just a few days ago and it doesn't work properly.

Letter to complain to the supplier about a problem with a bill for your phone, TV or. Briefly give details about the mobile phone and when you bought it. Complain that you had to wait a long time for it to be delivered.

You have just bought a new mobile phone from a website on the internet. When it was delivere the phone was faulty.


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