Robinia hispida

Původní jméno tohoto akátu je trnovník chloupkatý, protože jeho větve jsou opravdu posety měkkými, purpurově zbarvenými chloupky a po letech se na jeho . Robinia hispida, known as the bristly locust, rose-acacia, or moss locust, is a shrub in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. pedie:Jak číst taxobox Trnovník huňatý. Rose acacia, Bristly locust (Robinia hispida). This showy flowering shrub grows to feet tall and wide and . Rose locust (or rose acacia) is a showy-flowering, deciduous shrub which typically grows variably from 2-10' tall.

Rostlina pochází z čeledi Fabaceae – bobovité a rodu Robinia.

Jedná se o opadavý keř či menší strom dorůstající do výšky 5-m. Find help information on Robinia hispida rose acacia from the RHS. Robinia hispida (Bristly locust) Flaigg, Norman G. Bristly locust is a 2-foot (-m) tall shrub, native to southeastern North America and introduced in other areas including New England. Description: This shrub is 3-10' tall and across, branching abundantly.

The bark of the trunk and larger branches is gray and fairly smooth.


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